Cat Proof Curtains – Best Tips What To Look For


Having cats as pets is the foremost hobby of every second animal lover. Cats provide satisfaction and a feeling of companionship to the owner. However, cats can damage various home accessories like curtains and furniture with their claws in anger or excitement. In this instructive article, Dubai Curtain has expressed novel considerations for choosing cat-proof curtains. In addition, we have also suggested some versatile fabrics for a cat-proof window covering.

Considerations To Look For Cat-Proof Curtains | Best Tips

Some cat owners place the cat tree near the room window so their loveable pet can enjoy outside views. It is an undeniable fact that while enjoying outdoor views, cats usually jump to move outside and ultimately end up damaging window curtains. So when choosing window curtains, pet owners should pay notable attention to avoid damage. Moreover, we have enlisted some essential reasons that force pet owners to choose pet-proof curtains. These curtains are crafted with non-toxic materials and easy functioning to suit your pets.

Best Materials For Cat-Proof Window Treatment

Velvet Curtains

These scratch-resistant curtains are highly durable for window covering due to their tight weave.

Dark Effect: These curtains can create darkness in your room which provides a calm and comfortable environment for your pet.

Warmth & Softness: Its warmth and softness nature allows your cat to feel cozy and comfortable.

Temperature Insulation: To maintain your room temperature, these fabric curtains provide maximum insulation and prevent your cat from sudden temperature changes.

Easy Maintenance: Due to its stain and dust resistance, this fabric can be easily cleaned or maintained at your home.

High Durability: Because of its closely-packed thread structure, it is totally scratch-free even in frequent cat jumping.

Microfiber Curtains

Microfiber is an excellent choice for durable curtains due to its pet-friendly features, softness, and lightweightness.

Claw Resistance: Microfiber provides maximum claw resistance due to its plane and slippery surface. When the cat tries to jump over this fabric curtain, it slips its claws without any tear sign.

Durable Material: This fabric option also provides unique wear and tear resistance and ensures long-lasting results.

Easy Cleaning: Due to its heavy spills /stain resistance, microfiber has been an appropriate curtain choice for pet owners. This fabric also resists the stains of your cat’s saliva, urine, or feces.

Dust-Resistance: Microfiber curtains offer a broad way of dust-resistance, hence preventing the accumulation of cat hairs on its surface.

Weather Friendly: Cats are very sensitive to temperature changes. These curtains also provide heat insulation hence an effective way to maintain temperature.

Luxurious Fabric: Besides functional features, this fabric material also ensures maximum privacy and comfort in your home.

Blackout Curtains

These high-quality curtains ensure a maximum blackout effect with multiple other pet-friendly features.

Easy To Maintain: With easy functionality, blackout (thick fabric) curtains demand easy cleaning routines to maintain their looks & functionality.

Noise Reduction: Cats usually get aggressive in noisy environments. Due to their thick and heavy nature, these curtains can easily reduce the invasive outside sound and prevent your pet from aggressiveness.

Thick & Soft: Blackout curtains are popular due to their thick and soft nature. Material like polyester ensures a scratch less curtain that resists the claws’ tearing.

Light Control: Pets feel comfortable and calm in darkness. By hanging these curtains, you can enhance darkness in your pet area.

Heat Reduction: To prevent your cat from heat stress in summer, these curtains completely block sunlight and reduce the heat in your room.

Additional Options To Choose For Cat-Proof Curtains

Bamboo Curtains: Bamboo curtains are an excellent approach for durable window covering. These curtains ensure long-lasting results with your pets. Their natural texture resists cat urine or feces staining.

Canvas Curtains: Canvas is another scratch or damage-resistant fabric for curtains. In addition, the plane surface also resists cat hairs and dust particles accumulation.

Synthetic Fabric Curtains: Nylon or polyester fabrics can also be used for pet-friendly window treatments. These synthetic fabrics also provide the same features as other high-quality fabric materials.

Materials To Avoid For Cat-Proof Window Treatment

Silk Fabric

If you have pets at your home, don’t think about silk curtains for window treatment. No doubt, silk fabric can enhance the elegance of your overall home interior but it can be easily torn down by sharp claws.

Linen Fabric

Linen fabric is prone to cat claw scratches due to its fragile nature. The porous texture of the linen surface enables the claws to grip, hence tearing the curtain’s fabric.

Leather Curtains

Leather is durable for curtains but leather can be affected by cats’ nails or claws very easily. Cats can mark spots on the leather surface. These spots affect the elegance or outlook of your curtains.

Decorative Accessories

Avoid using curtain’s decorative accessories such as small colorful balls or tassels. These additional accessories usually attract the cats to jump and play with them therefore can create troubles for you.

Reasons To Choose Cat-Proof Curtains For Home

We have enlisted some effective reasons to choose Cat-Proof curtains for your home window. By understanding these worthy reasons, you will surely choose curtains for pet-friendly window styling without compromising the interior theme.

  • Cats can be very aggressive, as they can snatch your window curtains and tear them.
  • There will be a high risk of disease transmission from infected cats to family members because bacteria and viruses can survive in the curtain fabrics.
  • While food hunting during the evening, they can try to enter your home by seeing lights coming from transparent curtains.
  • Besides curtains, these cats can also damage your furniture accessories like chairs, tables, and sofas upholstery.
  • They can also spoil the surface of window curtains with their feces and urine spills.

Extra Measures To Adopt

To prevent any further damage by cats, you can adopt extra measures:

  • You can utilize the nail caps to cover the sharp edges or nails of cat claws. Usually, uncovered nails can scratch your skin or curtain surface.
  • Being a cat owner, it’s your responsibility to trim the sharp nails or claws regularly.
  • Place the cat tree tower away from the curtains so that the cat can play just on the tree instead of climbing on the curtains.

Wrapping Up!

Finally, we have efficiently discussed all the aspects that can boost your understanding of cat-friendly curtains. In this article, Dubai Curtain recommends some unique materials that provide maximum scratch and stain resistance with multiple other effective functions. We have also mentioned some materials that should be avoided for pet-friendly curtains. Furthermore, we have also highlighted the top reasons to choose cat-proof curtains for clearing your queries.

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