How to Cut Porcelain Tile for Flooring, Walls, and Backsplashes


Are you prepared to make your house more sophisticated using porcelain tile? We have the solution to any flooring, wall, or backsplash remodeling problem! Experience the beauty and resilience that make porcelain tile popular among discerning homeowners. Prepare for a step-by-step journey as Dubai Curtain examine strategies and resources to help you achieve faultless outcomes.

What You’ll Need

Before cutting porcelain tile, collect all the equipment and supplies. The following are required to begin.

  1. Have enough tiles for your project and extras for errors.
  2. Tile cutting requires accurate measurements; therefore, use dependable tape.
  3. You’ll need something to mark the tile before making your cuts. A fine-tip marker or pencil will work perfectly for this task.
  4. Depending on the cut, you’ll need a scoring wheel or tile cutter.
  5. Wet saws are suitable for difficult cutting and heavier porcelain tiles.
  6. If using a wet saw, ensure there is access to water to cool down the blade and reduce dust particles.

Measuring and Marking the Tile

Cutting porcelain tile for floors, walls, and backsplashes requires measuring and marking. Before cutting, check your measurements. These easy procedures will help you measure and mark the tile.

  1. Gather a tape measure or ruler, a tile pencil or marker, and masking tape if required.
  2. Measure the tile installation area. Measure length and breadth accurately, including corners and outlets. Always double-check your measurements before continuing.
  3. Use a level or straight edge to create straight lines on the tile where you will cut after taking measurements. This will guide scoring wheel or wet saw use.
  4. Remember to mark any specific angles or shapes that must be cut out from the tiles. Use masking tape if necessary to indicate these areas clearly.
  5. Taking time with this step ensures that your cuts will be clean and accurate when cutting into the porcelain tiles themselves.
  6. By carefully measuring and marking your porcelain tiles before cutting them, you can avoid costly mistakes while ensuring professional-looking results in your flooring projects!

Cutting tile with a scoring wheel

Cutting tile with a scoring wheel is popular for DIY enthusiasts and professionals. This basic instrument, often called a glass or tile cutter, scores porcelain tile before breaking it along the scored line.

Measure and mark the tile-cutting area before using a scoring wheel. A straight edge or ruler ensures precise marks. Set the tile on a firm surface and set the scoring wheel at one end of the specified line.

Apply gentle pressure as you draw the scoring wheel across the tile’s surface in one continuous motion. The goal is to create a shallow groove without cutting through. Be sure to keep your hand steady and maintain consistent pressure throughout.

  1. Once you’ve scored the entire length of your marked line, it’s time to break off that tile section. Place two dowels or wooden blocks under each side of the scored line for support. With one hand on each side, apply even pressure downwards until you hear or feel a clean snap.
  2. Remember that practice makes perfect when using a scoring wheel. It may take some time to get comfortable with this technique, but once mastered, it can efficiently cut porcelain tiles for flooring, walls, and backsplashes.

Cutting Tile With a Wet Saw

  1. Cutting tile with a wet saw is a popular method for achieving precise and clean cuts on porcelain tiles. A wet saw uses a diamond blade that spins rapidly, creating smooth and accurate cuts.
  2. Before cutting with a wet saw, take safety measures. Protect yourself from flying debris and sharp edges with goggles and gloves. Keep the workspace well-ventilated to prevent dust and odors.
  3. To use the wet saw, first measure and mark your desired cut lines on the tile using a pencil or marker. This will serve as your guide when cutting. Next, adjust the fence of the wet saw according to your measurements so that the tile can be held securely in place while cutting.
  4. Once everything is set up, turn on the wet saw’s water pump to keep the blade and tile cool during cutting. Align one edge of the designated line with the blade and gently push it through.
  5. Let the water from the pump flow onto both sides of where you’re making your cut for lubrication.

Finishing Touches

After cutting your porcelain tile, complete installing it. This stage is essential for a proper tile installation.

  1. Check each cut tile for rough edges and defects. Smooth acute angles and uneven edges using a sanding block or fine-grit sandpaper. Take your time—even little mistakes might harm your tiled surface.
  2. Clean the tiles well before putting them on. Wipe away cutting dust with a moist sponge or towel.
  3. This will help ensure proper adhesion when applying adhesive or mortar.
  4. Consider using spacers between each tile to achieve consistent spacing and alignment if installing floor tiles. These small plastic pieces are placed at the corners of each tile and create evenly spaced grout lines once installed.
  5. Seal porcelain tiles after installation to prevent stains and moisture damage. These sealants are suited for porcelain tiles. Be cautious while applying sealer according to the specifications.
  6. Paying attention to these finishing touches will make your porcelain tile installation faultless!


Whether it’s an elegant tiled floor in your bathroom or an eye-catching backsplash in your kitchen – mastering these skills allows you to bring your creative vision to life! So confidently take on those tile-cutting projects, knowing you have the knowledge and expertise needed for success! Happy tiling!

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